One of the Boardwalk Empire story arcs details Nucky Thompson’s relationship with Margaret Schroeder. She first meets Nucky after his speech at a (ahem) Temperance rally, of all places. Things turn romantic, but dating a criminal does have its drawbacks. You’re listening to “Some of These Days” recorded by Sophie Tucker in 1927. A version sung by Broadway and soap star Kathy Brier plays while rival gang members shoot at Nucky…with Margaret on his arm.

Sophie Tucker, The Last of The Red Hot Mamas, may owe her career to a lost makeup bag. How? Well, like many other stars of the day Tucker performed in blackface. One night, while performing at a burlesque show, she realized her makeup bag had been misplaced. She was forced to go on without the facepaint, and was such a big hit, she never wore the stuff again. Find out more about Sophie Tucker here.