Copyright Statement: Visitors may listen to and access these resources for personal, educational, or scholarly purposes. Any commercial use or exchange is prohibited without prior, written consent of Syracuse University.

Dark Was the Night…

…cold was the ground.

November 16, 2021
Transformation Scene from Jekyll and Hyde

“What a great costume, Dr. Jekyll…”

November 12, 2021
You Are My Sunshine

Jimmie Davis is regularly credited as creator of the classic “You Are My Sunshine”, heard here from 1941. But…if that’s true, then how did the Rice Brothers record it in 1939?

November 11, 2021
Jelly Roll Morton

Jelly Roll Morton had a habit of making large claims, none larger than the prediction of his own death.

November 10, 2021
All She Wants to do is Rock

Who says bluesmen aren’t poets? “Mr. Blues” himself with a nod to an early 20th century British modernist poet. And, a fair bit of double entendre.

November 6, 2021
The Foggy, Foggy Dew

Those young drifters; Seems they’d use anything to get a fair maiden to their bed.

November 4, 2021
Love In The Stacks

Casanova: rakish seducteur, suave, dashing… librarian?

November 3, 2021
The Battle on the Ice

The film Aleksandr Nevsky is a recounting of a 13th century prince’s rise to national hero-dom. But parallels to the storyline echoed through the USSR in the 1930’s.

October 26, 2021
The Fisk University Jubilee Singers

You’re listening to the Jubilee Singers of Fisk University sing Peter on the Sea, from 1927,

October 20, 2021
Bedtime At The Zoo

A glimpse into…the zoo: after hours.

October 18, 2021